Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No Makeup and a Puppy!

So already I've been bad about writing here. I'm sorry!!

Anyone that follows me on Twitter, which if you don't you should, Mike and I got a puppy! We adopted her from http://ocnetpets.com for anyone in the Orlando area. Her name is Temperance, after the amazing character in the TV show Bones, and she's a 2 month old German Shepherd mix. 
Seriously, how could you not love this face!!

Last week, I mentioned that I would go an entire week without wearing any makeup whatsoever. Mike didn't think I'd be able to do it because I love my makeup so much but voila! I did it! And I gotta say I do feel better about my appearance because of not wearing it for a week. As silly as it sounds, I now have the confidence to know that leaving the house without "putting my face on" will not make people look at me funny and alas, the world did not end. Not to mention I think my skin really loved me for taking extra good care of it. I do miss the fun of putting on makeup though but unless I really FEEL like it I don't think I ever NEED to wear makeup anymore. See the difference? :)

Ladies reading my blog I urge you to give it a try! See what happens!
Until next time, I'm hoping I can record a cooking video very soon. I actually filmed one earlier last week but it honestly didn't work out too well. But I promise, this week is it!

Peace love and pixie dust,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No Makeup Challenge!

So on Saturday, I believe, my boyfriend Mike and I were discussing my incredibly low self-confidence and said "You're so beautiful yet you don't see that in yourself. I bet you can't go one week without wearing any makeup at all." To which I said "Is that a challenge?" Thus, this week.

As of yesterday, including today, I have not worn any makeup at all! And...it is a bit terrifying because although I do love makeup for its artistry and it's just a geeky girly thing I'm into, I must admit I do hide behind it because I do not find myself very attractive without it. Therefore, that is the ultimate goal after this week. To feel confident in my own natural self.

I challenge you out there to try to do the same! Let me know in the comments below what you think and check out my vlog to hear more of my thoughts, among other things. :)

Bye lovelies!


Friday, August 24, 2012

The YouTubes

If you haven't already checked out my YouTube Channel, now is the chance! I uploaded a new update video a couple of days ago and have some cool stuff coming up soon so stay tuned and make sure to subscribe!

Clickety here!

new signature!


This is getting serious. Leave some love if you like the new signature. :)

post signature

Si Se Puede!

Here I sit, in my sweat, from a run and it feels --good. 

I mean, really good. The Aftermath of it at least. While I'm running, I'm thinking to myself " Why am I doing this?!" But then I remember that I have goals to get back in shape and I have a 10 mile run with some very special people in about a month. 

So many changes have happened in such a short amount of time, but they're all so damn great! I'm a dance teacher, I'm training to become a travel agent with an agency full of friends, I have more time to do things that I love. And I get to share a home with my amazing boyfriend, to which I say if there is anyone reading this thinking that their significant other cares about them more than mine does, you are mistaken. 

I'm a flipping lucky woman and it's about time I start appreciating it all. No more sulking. No more feeling sorry for myself. 

First off, starting Monday, I will not wear ANY make up whatsoever for an entire week; which for me is a huge deal. I think I've always hidden behind my makeup more so because of self-confidence issues than for just the fact that makeup is beautiful and an art form. Hell, I'll even record a YouTube video without makeup. I can do this! 

I encourage all you ladies to do the same. To remember how absolutely beautiful you are without makeup. Natural beauty is the real kind of beauty. There's only one you. 

Stories of the Magic!

My good friend, Randy Crane, was kind enough to feature me on his podcast, Stories of the Magic! It was so much fun to record and I hope people enjoy listening to my Disney story. :) Check it out!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012, here we go!

Everyone is doing somewhat of a review of 2011 and then listing things they would like to accomplish or goals they would like to set for the new year. Now, I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. It has a terrible reputation of being resolutions done in that year, that year alone, and it is more than likely it will never get done. That is why, my friends, I instead, want to write down my dreams. My life dreams. A bucket list, if you will. Things that I know I will do at some point or another but this year, I would like it all written down.

So 2011...

Meh. 2011 was full of a lot of ups and downs. Unfortunately, when it comes to my personal life, mostly downs. However, I finally finished school, graduating with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts from the University of Florida. The fact that I'm the first in my family to finish college is a really big deal. I'm very proud of myself for accomplishing school not only in terms of studying for four years, but also that I majored in something I love. That is something that is incredibly important to me. I can't imagine myself doing anything else for the rest of my life. Sure, I have a great job right now, but I'm not going to be a Concierge at WDW forever.

This past year, I also moved out. I didn't go to a campus and stay in a dorm, so this was a huge step for me. I was so grateful for being able to live at home with my amazing and supportive family, but I knew it was time for me to leave. So the day after my 22nd birthday, I loaded up my new car, (whose name is Daisy if you wanted to know) and headed to Orlando. My roommate and I went to Orlando with no job. Just interviews for Disney. We were both lucky enough to get hired within a month of us living there. Having a steady income, working full time, paying bills; this life was completely new to me. But I was excited. I knew I was in the right place in my life to start this new "chapter."

But as months continued, things got harder. I didn't care for my job, even if it was for the best company in the world. I was barely making any money, and not being the most responsible with it in the first place was not exactly helpful. I kept auditioning to be in entertainment at Disney, but never got a callback. But I kept my head up. I kept thinking, things could be worse. I am lucky. There are worse things in this world than my situation.

As hard as I tried to stay positive, and even with my promotion to Concierge, I was still irresponsible. Not to mention, very lonely. I would make friends, and they would disappear. One in particular really hurt my heart in a way that it hasn't hurt for quite some time. But I can't control other people. I have to know and remember that I am a good person and if for whatever reason people do not want to associate with me, I have to respect that. As out of the blue and hurtful as it would be.

So with that, along with a few other things that I don't really care for sharing all throughout the internet, this year has been rough. But a rough transition. Everyone has a transition phase/year in their lives where they're trying to figure out where to go, what to do. What the right steps are. I'm in that part of my life where i need to try anything and everything to make my dreams come true. So throwing 2011 away and starting anew with 2012, here is my dream list.

1. Get back in dancer shape
2. Run the Disney Marathon
3. Move to California
4. Get an agent
5. Become a voice over actress
6. Become a dance teacher/choreographer at studio
7. Get cast as Ariel in The Voyage of the Little Mermaid
8. Take a trip to Ireland
9. Take a trip to the UK
10. Go on a Disney Cruise
11. Record an album
12. Write a book
13. Perform on Broadway
14. Be the original voice of a Disney character (preferably a princess, but it's ambitious)
15. Open up my own dance studio/company
16. Go on tour
17. Perform my OPS in a local theater
18. Meet Jo Rowling
19. Visit the set of Harry Potter
20. Tour the Disney Animation Studios
21. Visit Walt's Apartment in Disneyland

I'm sure there is plenty more where that came from, but for now, that's what I've got. I encourage everyone to create a dream list and save it on your computer. Hang it on your wall, your fridge. To remind yourself of your dreams and to not give in to the inane day to day life we all lead. We forget about what makes our heart race and makes us happy. It's important to remember these things, even if they're not always the easiest things to achieve. We've got to remember what Uncle Walt always said: "If you can dream it, you can do it."

Until next time,