Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Christmas Card

Dear Reader,

Do you have any idea what an impact you have made on my life? Yes. YOU! I'm writing this letter to you. Like the card? Wasn't too expensive. Got it at Hallmark.

I know. I'm not funny.

Alright--get to the point, Kayla.

Now seriously, reader, reader(s) [doubt it], you really have made a huge impact on my life. Otherwise I wouldn't be writing this letter in the first place.

Christmas has arrived, or for some, your holiday has passed. But around Holiday time, I become very nostalgic and grateful. At times, a tear comes to the eye. I ponder about life, family, friends, relationships with people, the way my life has changed or not changed in the past year. And this year, I sure have a lot to be thankful for.

One of the biggest things is all of you reading this. (If there is anyone reading this at all.) Over the course of a year and a half, I have met some of the most spectacular, supportive, outstanding human beings on the face of this earth. And we all have one thing in common: our love for Disney. Sure, the love varies from person to person. Some love just the Parks, others love just the movies, and some, like myself, love anything and everything Disney even if it's a one-dollar Princess pen filled with candy inside. Regardless of the extremity of affection, we can all relate and come together for this one thing; this one amazing factor in our lives that touches us in such a way that we feel the need to reach out and communicate with others that have this same passion. I believe everything happens for a reason and God definitely put all of you in my plan, and I am freaking grateful.

As most of you know, I was having quite a challenging semester. I had to put together one of the most complex, difficult, demanding projects of all time: the one-person show. Not only did I have to compose this work, I had to perform it, direct it, and produce it. If you’re getting a headache just conjuring up an image of yourself doing all of that in a matter of a few short months, you get the picture. Now for a while, I had planned to make a one-person show on a historical figure that I admire and sympathize for. And even with all of my knowledge and information and passion for this person, try as I did for most of the semester, it just wasn’t working out. Something in my gut said “Kayla, what the heck are you doing? You KNOW what you should be writing. Just do it, dang it!” So for a couple of days, I contemplated the pros and cons of writing a new show that I knew I would get crap for, but also knew it would be a success; at least MY terms of success. I wrote a new show, all Disney, and all Kayla, and it was actually approved. My colleagues, professors, and Dean, were in love with it. I had a blast and it was definitely an experience I’ll never forget. In it, I mention Disney Twitter friends. And if it weren’t for you guys, I never would have been able to have the courage to write the show.

So thank you all SO MUCH for your continuing support and love and faith in me. I have a ridiculously low self-esteem (I’m working on it), and to have what some people would call “complete strangers” lift my spirits up and believe in me when I don’t believe in myself most of the time is something I’ve never really had before. Not that I don’t have support and love in my life, because I have 2 of the best friends ever, an amazing boyfriend, and such a great family support group. But knowing that not just the people that I see almost day-to-day have faith in me is just that extra bit of pixie dust I need, and I’m sure many others need, to get through those tough days. Being nominated, and actually winning (still can’t believe it), the DDL Award was seriously such a huge shock. I thought for sure I would come in last. Chris and Nicole are extremely talented and more well-known in the Disney community than I am. But there it is, and I for sure extend the award and share it with my fellow thespians.

To my BOGP Family, my special extended family. Every time I tune into a live show in any way, calling in, chatting on Friend Feed, or just listening on iTunes if I miss it, I get teary-eyed. Truly, I care for each and every one of you. I hope that our relationship grows more and more as time goes on and that I have the honor to meet all of you in person one day. Hopefully, another Treehouse meet this coming new year.

Mike, Rikki, Pam, and Debbie: thank you SO MUCH for making my day every time I turn on the BOGP podcast. I smile and laugh and wish I was actually in a room with the four of you just talking Disney. I can honestly say that your podcast changed my life because it introduced me to you and to the other hundreds of amazing people that are also touched by your weekly episodes. Please, keep this thing going for as long as possible. You are each such supercalifragilisticexpialidocious people that have no idea of the gift you give to so many people all around the world. Thank you.

DisneyDrivenLife: JL, this blog/website is such an ingenious idea and I really enjoy reading all of the Neurotic Disney People’s blogs all day, every day. Extending it to making a DDL Academy Awards was hilarious, and fun, and extremely exciting! I hope it’s an annual tradition for quite a long time. Innermouse is so great! I really need to catch up but I absolutely love all of you!

Ricky Brigante: If you read this blog, first off thank you. I know you’re busy. Second, your podcast introduced me to podcasts in general, and more so, the Disney podcasts. Since 2005, when ITM started, I have listened every single week and looked forward to every Halloween for that special episode. I’m constantly reciting the little intros and such throughout the podcasts for each little section. I called in for your anniversary episode a little while back, and you used my recording so from that you know the impact your show has made on me. But I just want to write in text, here, on your second favorite holiday, thank you so much for all you do for the Disney community. If any of you tweeps are reading this and have not check out Inside the Magic, DO SO! One of the top 5 Disney podcasts out there in my opinion.

To everyone else out there, I hope we get to know each other better as time goes on. You are just all so awesome, I can’t handle it all at once!

I truly hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas, and if you celebrated Chanukah a little while back, I’m sorry I didn’t say “Happy Chanukah!”

Stay safe, stay warm, be happy, be jolly, be grateful, be giving, be merry.

Have a Magical and Merry Christmas!

With lots of love,

Kayla L.


P.S. I made a virtual video Christmas Card too. I sing a song. I don't know if it's good. Check it out if you want! <---clickety click!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life is a tricky thing

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I started a new friendship. It came out of the blue, we had a lot in common, and it was blossoming into something I haven't had in a long time. I started to become more positive about friends again, as I really only have 3 good friends, one living in Gainesville, one planning a wedding, and the other trying to pursue a bunch of dreams at the same time.

Since having a best friend completely change into someone else and leaving my life, I was starting to wonder if maybe there was something wrong with me. Am I annoying? Do I care too much? Am I too different from the norm for my own good? But when I met this person, they made me feel great and loved me for who I was. We had plans to do all of these things together, becoming best friends almost instantaneously.

Then a few days ago, something changed. It was like we were never friends. I would contact them, try to make plans, they would be made...and then, they never showed up. It happened a good 3 or 4 times in one week. That's when my head started spinning again, asking all these questions wondering if it was my fault. When I'm true to myself, I know it's not my fault whatsoever. But still, I can't help but wonder if I push people away. And I don't like that theory.

As of right now, we're not really speaking, which makes me really sad. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I might be blessed to have another best friend in my life. Someone I can call at any given time just to talk. To make spontaneous plans to Orlando to go enjoy the Wizarding World and Disney, something we both have a passion for. Someone who I know will always have my back.

I don't know if we'll be friends again. I sure hope so. But all I know is that something my mom has taught me since I was very little always stands true:
Better to have a handful of true good friends than to have a million that will never stand by you.

I'm pretty sure all of you already know this, but as a growing young woman, who learns something new everyday, I have to remind myself of things through life's lessons.

Hope everyone is well. Have a Magical day! :)

Kayla ºoº

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another love

As you all know, Disney will now and forever hold a special place in my heart.

But I have another love. Yes, I know, impossible to believe. But it is true. I love books. It's a mutual love. Books have always been there when sometimes no one else was. I love escaping and reading about someone else's life. Reading their qualms, how they deal, how they live and move on.

As cheesy as it sounds, I feel like I've made friends through books. I've fallen in love and befriended characters through my many years of reading. And yes, Harry Potter is my number 1.

I first discovered Harry one day when my uncle bought me the first book when I was in 5th grade. EVERYONE was reading it and talking about it. So since I was such a cool kid (didn't I tell you I'm the coolest cat out there?) I said I wouldn't read it because everyone else was reading it. Cool kids don't do what everyone else is doing. So I thanked him for the book but definitely just gave it to my sister. Which was pointless because it's a miracle when she even touches a book...other than Twilight these days. Yuck.

I digress. One night, in 6th grade, 2 of my then best friends spent the night at my house and we had the Sorcerer's Stone DVD. I refused to watch it, but they convinced me that it was a good movie. I caved...and fell in love. I was fascinated. I was hungry for more. The second the credits rolled, I ran to my sister's room, took back my book, and began to read. Yes; my friends were sleeping over and I spent the remainder of the night reading. Don't judge me.

Needless to say, I read up to Goblet of Fire, the most recent book at the time, in a matter of about 2 or 3 weeks. Ever since, I've been a huge HP fan. I know everything and love everything Harry Potter. I buy everything the day it's released. Most recently, it was the Harry Potter Lego Video Game. I've been slacking on the "Deluxe Edition" boxes of the first two movies, but that's because I feel that the REALLY good stuff that we haven't seen will be released way after the movies are all done.

What inspired this blog? Well, the new amazing, epic, EPIC, beautiful trailer for Deathly Hallows, the Wizarding World, and the video game. I started rereading Deathly Hallows for the 4th time and love it.

I know a lot of people have said this before that have followed Harry on his plethora of adventures for the past few years, but seriously, Harry, Ron, and Hermione will always remain my friends. When my life starts to suck a little bit, I will pick up any HP book and start to go into the Wizard World. I own a wand so why the heck not?

Anyone who has ever been apprehensive or questionable about getting into the series in more ways than just the movies, I promise you will NOT be disappointed. JK Rowling has got talents that Stephanie Meyer will never ever be able to gain in her wildest of dreams. Frankly, I have no idea how the hell Stephanie Meyer has made so much money out of crappy books that could have all been edited down to 100 pages, but that's just my honest opinion. I respect anyone that loves the series regardless, my sister included.

Bottom line, love Harry. Respect Harry. Because Harry isn't going anywhere. He will live on forever.

And he didn't even need any unicorn blood or a sorcerer's stone. AND WHAT?!

Magic and love,

P.S. I PROMISE this time, I'll really stick to my blogging. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Week Before...

Alas! Could it be that Kayla is actually writing in her blog?

Yup...that's right everyone. I've decided, after many months of school keeping me away from things other than theatre that I love, I'm going to try my hardest to start blogging regularly. Hopefully, I'll get enough followers.

I also have a project I've been thinking about doing, but it would require some good amount of time. But I'm willing to do it for the fun and magic of it all for me, and for all of my lovely Disney people. :)

Anyway, this past Friday, I met up with a good friend of mine and we decided that it would be Disney Princess Day! We played Disney music all day long and then proceeded to make Princess cupcakes. It was all made form scratch thanks to the All-American housewife (though she's not a wife, herself) Martha Stewart. Here's a picture of the end result.

The actual cupcake was a perfect Princess pink, with Princess purple buttercream frosting. There were white chocolate chips in it and let me tell you...not to brag...but my goodness, Kristina and I did amazingly well with them! They were all gone within 2 days! And there were about 40 of em, big and small. lol as I'm sure the majority of you all know, anyone that follows me on Twitter and cares, I'm going to our favorite place on Earth next week to celebrate my birthday as well as my one-year anniversary with my DBF. I am absolutely ECSTATIC(!) and have begun the Week Before Process.

We all have a process that we do, the week, a few days, or the day before our trip to the World. Mine includes listening to just about only Disney music. My Blackberry is on WDW theme including WDW ringtones such as the famous monorail spiel "Please stand clear of the doors, por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas." (Provided to me by the gracious @jeff_chaney) And this entire week, as cheesy as it sounds, I am BURSTING with Disney magic in my everyday life. Nothing gets me down, nothing upsets me because nothing can! I'm going to Disney World, for God's sake!

What is your The Week Before Process? I really want to know. Comment here or reply to me on my Twitter. If you don't have one, then when is the moment you get super excited that you're going to be at WDW? I'm sure everyone does at some point. If you didn't, you wouldn't be a Disney Maniac. :) the 2 people that have just read this blog, thank you. To everyone else who hasn't read it or is skeptical, please, come over to the pixie-dust-ful side. I've got cupcakes.

Have a Magical Day!


UPDATE: The beautiful, Liz, @AKL4Me, told me she does a mani/pedi the week before, which I do too!! Come on ladies! I know we're not alone! :)