So here's the thing--
Most people that know me outside of social media know that I used to dance quite a lot growing up. In fact, other than school, dance was my life. I didn't really go out that much with my friends. My time was spent at my dance studio and going through various cities in the US going to dance competitions. Those were most definitely some of the best times of my life. But I had always loved singing also. So I got into the music theater program for college. I went from dancing 6 hours almost daily to only an hour and a half 3 times a week. Barely anything compared to what my body was used to. Not to mention, I have terrible eating habits from years of being able to eat whatever I want and not seeing it affect my body.
Until college. Where I gained about 30 pounds. Yeah, the freshman 15, and then some that never left. Now you could say that I was to blame, which is true. I could have used the few couple of hours I had where I wasn't at school or working to go take more dance classes, or I could have eaten salads and tuna but let's be realistic here.
Which brings me to where I am today. A dance teacher who wants more than anything to be able to fully showcase dance and ask them to do things I can do myself. But my body won't let me. So from now on this blog is a testament to my journey back to dance health.
I know what you're thinking: "Another weight loss blog? Geez, how many of those have I seen before?" True. but humor me and follow along. It'll be entertaining, I promise! So here's the quintessential Before and After in what I used to look like at the beginning of college to what I look like now. See? Already a difference between other people's blogs and mine. :)
Now the goal is have a new Before and After collage by the time my birthday comes around, May 17th. This WILL happen. I've been lazy about this for such a long time. But things are going to be changing around a lot soon and before that can happen I need to get my self confidence back and feel better about myself. I'm realistic about the fact that my body will not look the same as it did when I was 18, however there's no harm in trying my hardest to get back to it anyway.
So follow me! I promise not every blog is going to be about weight loss because that would be BORING. But yeah. Awesome. Anyone else on a getting back in shape journey? Let me know!
Love and toodles,
I blame it on our Cuban side...? Either way you are lovely!!!! Love you kiki. PS did you get my last letter? I moved at the very end of November :/