I mean, really good. The Aftermath of it at least. While I'm running, I'm thinking to myself " Why am I doing this?!" But then I remember that I have goals to get back in shape and I have a 10 mile run with some very special people in about a month.
So many changes have happened in such a short amount of time, but they're all so damn great! I'm a dance teacher, I'm training to become a travel agent with an agency full of friends, I have more time to do things that I love. And I get to share a home with my amazing boyfriend, to which I say if there is anyone reading this thinking that their significant other cares about them more than mine does, you are mistaken.
I'm a flipping lucky woman and it's about time I start appreciating it all. No more sulking. No more feeling sorry for myself.
First off, starting Monday, I will not wear ANY make up whatsoever for an entire week; which for me is a huge deal. I think I've always hidden behind my makeup more so because of self-confidence issues than for just the fact that makeup is beautiful and an art form. Hell, I'll even record a YouTube video without makeup. I can do this!
I encourage all you ladies to do the same. To remember how absolutely beautiful you are without makeup. Natural beauty is the real kind of beauty. There's only one you.