Since having a best friend completely change into someone else and leaving my life, I was starting to wonder if maybe there was something wrong with me. Am I annoying? Do I care too much? Am I too different from the norm for my own good? But when I met this person, they made me feel great and loved me for who I was. We had plans to do all of these things together, becoming best friends almost instantaneously.
Then a few days ago, something changed. It was like we were never friends. I would contact them, try to make plans, they would be made...and then, they never showed up. It happened a good 3 or 4 times in one week. That's when my head started spinning again, asking all these questions wondering if it was my fault. When I'm true to myself, I know it's not my fault whatsoever. But still, I can't help but wonder if I push people away. And I don't like that theory.
As of right now, we're not really speaking, which makes me really sad. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I might be blessed to have another best friend in my life. Someone I can call at any given time just to talk. To make spontaneous plans to Orlando to go enjoy the Wizarding World and Disney, something we both have a passion for. Someone who I know will always have my back.
I don't know if we'll be friends again. I sure hope so. But all I know is that something my mom has taught me since I was very little always stands true:
Better to have a handful of true good friends than to have a million that will never stand by you.
I'm pretty sure all of you already know this, but as a growing young woman, who learns something new everyday, I have to remind myself of things through life's lessons.
Hope everyone is well. Have a Magical day! :)
Kayla ºoº