The fact that I have become rather lazy (or have ALWAYS been lazy) about keeping up with my blog, I have decided to follow suit of a very amazing and sassy Frumpy Mocha Princess. Aurora has been doing this thing of blogging daily for 30 days and I thought maybe that would be a good way for me to make this thing routine. Instead of just something I do out of pure boredom. (Although I'm sure there's something I SHOULD be doing, I'm choosing not to. Just go along with me.)
Here is what Day 1 is supposed to be:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
So heeeeeeeeere we go.
1) Lopez is my adopted last name from my dad, or stepdad I suppose. My biological last name is McLaughlin.
2) Because of my biological Irish half of me, I've had this huge urge to go to Ireland and explore and learn about my family's culture.
3) Although it may seem like I know what I want to do with my life, I'm actually pretty scared and have no clue where life will take me.
4) I have the most experience, knowledge, and training in dance, but without my voice, I would feel useless. Kind of like Ariel I guess.
5) There was a dark time in middle school where I pretended that I didn't like WDW and made myself get excited for and love Universal/Islands of Adventure. Yeah...that didn't last long.
6) I've had braces twice. I know, killer. (Even though my bottom row of teeth are completely not straight anymore. WASTE OF MONEY AND PAIN.)
7) Most of my baby teeth had to be pulled out at the dentist. Apparently, they were really stubborn.
8) I have a scar on my chin from a day in Kindergarten that was called Share Day. I brought my spankin new totally awesome pink Barbie van. Nobody wanted to "share" or play with me, so as I was playing by myself, I got overenthusiastic, pushed the van away from me so hard that I scratched my chin on the carpet as I fell down face first. Ha!
9) Another scar is on my forehead from when I was 3. Apparently, I was jumping from bed to bed, hit my head against one of the beds and was bleeding profusely. I went to hospital and supposedly did not cry or anything once as I was getting stitches for the first time.
10) My eyes change color. I don't know when or why or what colors precisely, but I know they do when someone freaks out in front of me and goes "Woah! Kayla! Your eyes are like...GOLD right now! Like...the color of beer!"
11) I get bored very easily. With anything really. ESPECIALLY my hair color. I hate the fact that I haven't dyed it in about 3 months.
12) Relating to the above fact, I wish I was a ginger. Truly. I want red hair.
13) I've been wearing a claddagh ring since I was about 14. I can't exactly put my finger on why it is so important to me. Maybe it's my emotional attachment to my Irish heritage. Maybe it's because of what it symbolizes and what I hope it will symbolize one day. But whenever I don't wear it, I feel naked. Physically, and in some ways emotionally.
14) As ridiculous as this may sound, I feel the only man that has never ever let me down in my life, EVER, is my godfather. He is truly the best man I know and he means the world to me. Oh, and by the way-- in case you thought you had the best godfather in the world, you're dead wrong. Just trust me on this.
15) I feel like my plan in life has anything and everything to do with Disney. As if I was put on this Earth to work for the outstanding company that I so admire.
Well, I hope whoever, if anyone, read this though that it was somewhat entertaining and enlightening to I don't know. But it sure was fun! Let's hope I remember about this blogging thing and come back to it. :)
Have a Magical day!
Kayla >